This month we wanted to recognize Scott Marshall in achieving our prestigious Wall of Fame. Someone who regularly was injured after working out and was not as consistent as he should be, he's been able to create a lifestyle mastery, and the results show it. Learn more about him below.
Dr. Scott Angus Marshall has been a stalwart since our inception. He was one of our first clients back when we were developing our technology, and he hasn’t looked back.
Scott has gone from someone who desires to give it his all, but often ended up with an injury that kept him at bay for many weeks and months at a time. And each time, the road to recovery took longer, and the motivation and desire diminished.
Since coming to Northstar, he has embraced everything we’ve thrown at him, and taken it all in. Scott was instrumental in us creating a systematic way to regularly and continuously challenge our clients, and making the adaptations.
He has not only at the top marks physically, he is well above the 90+% percentile of fitness level for his age. Although from a man’s perspective, foods we enjoy usually win out against the foods we should eat, Scott has accepted our challenges with honor to further strengthen his nutritional fitness in giving the body what it really needs. He acknowledges he’s not perfect, just as nobody is, but these shifts have resulted in noticeable retention of energy and impact to overall quality of life.
Even in this time, he had a major setback when helping one of his sons move. He fell from the moving truck and broke his greater trochanter of his femur with the impact. Normally a 12-week recovery before activity, with a lot of Physical therapy, our team worked with him to develop a plan and protocol following our Progression System to re-activate stabilizers, range of motion, strengthen. And then we worked through functional training to establish balance.
Scott loves to go fishing with his grandchildren. He attends regular daily mass, and loves the ease of being able to hike up to the Shrine to Our Lady Guadalupe church while not being overly winded. This Texan transplant is an avid hunter, and now after and his wife Jill raising their 6 kids, he now has the energy to help with the 15 grandkids. He is a role model for all the next generations.
He exemplifies our mantra, Generational Health is Generational Wealth. Keep up the great work, Scott. You truly embody what it means to be a Northstar!
Congratulations, Scott!
50% Complete
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